Stevens Illustration

Stevens Illustration
Blackboard Picture

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Introduction to Literature Notes (7/9/2008)

  • Make sure to include in your blog a vocab list as well as class notes with various links to websites relevant to the material being taught.
  • Great Expectations has two endings. There was the original ending and the second ending. This website talks about the different endings.

  • Mr. Sexson talked about people such as Don Quixote and Madam Bowvrey who are unhappy with their lives and immerse themselves in the stories of books, almost to the point of insanity. It then led to the topic that it seems very few people are happy with their lives and tend to lead un-insightful and boring lives.
  • There are two types of characters: Round and Flat. Flat characters only act the way we expect them to. Round characters are much more fleshed ou and more developed, they come full-circle.
  • Accovcheur- male midwife
  • Biled- could not find the definition
  • Mangle (noun)- a machine used to press and clean clothes
  • Ablutions- a washing or cleansing of the body especially as the religious right
  • Epiphany- a great realization, divine intervention
  • Trenchent- vigorous or insightful in sound
  • Rimy- covered with frost mainly in a literary way (ON TEST!!!!!!!)
  • Begin memorizing Wallace Stevens' poem
  • Tell a story to a friend using one of the words from the chapter where Ann Fadiman talked about sesquepedalians.
    • TEST QUESTION!!!!!!! The word abulation applies to which character in Great Expectations??? Answer: Jaggers
    • Pip seems two faced, ashamed of his past, once he becomes a gentleman he forgets his past, gave 1/2 of his fortune to Herbert, set up parents with Miss Havisham's will, confused about his identity.
    • Molly (Jaggers maid) and Abel Magwitch (convict) are Estella's parents.
    • Abel gave Pip money because Pip was the only person to treat him like a person instead of a criminal.
    • Miss Havisham teaches Estella to hate men and realizes her mistake before she dies (she literally goes up in flames). Compeyson conned her so she wants to have the ultimate revenge on man kind, which is played by Pip.
    • Miss Havisham like Mrs Joe asks for forgiveness before she dies. Mrs Joe says, " Pip....Joe....Pardon"


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