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Stevens Illustration
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Monday, August 4, 2008

English 123: Blog 20

Today in class we talked about the scape goat of tragedies and that got me thinking about the scape goats people look for in real life. It seems that many people are always trying to put their problems on to someone else. In Oedipus, when the curse is placed on Thebes and the only way to life the curse is to get rid of the person who killed King Laius, Oedipus believes that is everyone else in the kingdom that had something to do with the King's death when in all actuality, it was Oedipus. He was looking for someone to blame; someone to take away his problems and make them their own. People seem to want to blame others for their misfortunes; people never want to take responsibility for their actions. I think that the majority of people think that because they made the wrong decision or a mistake that it is a bad thing; making a mistake is one of the best things a human being can do to learn. Humans learn from mistakes much better than from the right decisions. Oedipus realizes he is to blame for the curse and instead of pretending it is not him and blaming it on Jocasta, who killed herself, he gouges out his eyes and becomes banished from Thebes. For once, he took responsibility for his actions and in the end he learned that fate cannot be tricked; you cannot stop fate from happening.

Another character who never blamed others for her misfortune was Matilda. It seemed to me that Matilda was content with her life on the island, however horrible it turned out to be, because that was the only life she knew and she was happy. However, at times it seemed her mother wanted to blame her father, who left, for their lifestyle. Matilda realized that with desire she can make her life whatever she desired. Thanks to her mother she was able to leave the island and go to school and become a professional. She made something from her life instead of rolling over, cursing God, and blaming others for her less than fortunate lifestyle. I admire Matilda for those extraordinary qualities.

People want to blame others for their misfortunes, when in all reality the only person to blame is yourself. If you are not happy with the life you have been dealt, make the journey more exciting. Live life with exuberance and laugh when there seems to be nothing to laugh at. Enjoy what is left of the sinking ship that is life.

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