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Friday, August 1, 2008

English 123 Blog 18

We talked about the two plays The Importance of Being Earnest and Oedipus Rex, both which, ironically, are similar in many ways that few people would expect seeing as how one is a tragedy and one is a comedy. Both deal with the idea of identity and foundlings, a infant or small child found abandoned; a child without a known parent or guardian. This term is a major strategy used throughout both plays. I have realized after reading the end of Oedipus and the end of Earnest that they are very opposite in the idea that as Earnest finds out his true parents and his true name his life is changed for the better and he is allowed to marry Cecily. However, with Oedipus he also realizes his true family lineage, but instead of rejoice in finally having an identity, he gouges his eyes out and is led out of Thebes by a young boy; similar to Tiresias' exit.

As we continue to think about Oedipus, the lines Sarvam Dukk han and Sarvam Ahityam become helpful. The phrases mean all life is pain and all life is fleeting. This is true not only with Oedipus because his fate led him down a path of continued pain and suffering after he found out his true identity, but also with Earnest. Although Earnest is a comedy it can be related to those two phrases. Earnest must deal with the pain of Lady Bracknell for the rest of his life, but the trade was the pain of not knowing his true identity was removed from his life. These two phrases also relate everyone's life at one point or another.

Luke told a heart-wrenching story about his nephew today in class and it really made me think that even though I complain about things that are not going great in my life, I have to think that there are other people suffering as well and who have it worse off than me. It puts life into perspective because everyone will face tragedy but the true test of who a human is involves how they deal with that tragedy. The true colors of a person will come out when things are not going according to their "plan". I tend to think that people finally let you know who they are when their life appears to be heading down the drain. Nevertheless, we should always be aware that life is always fleeting and filled with pain and with the help of others we can try to create a humorous situation from a tragedy.

Humor is a gift, some people are naturally funny and can make people laugh; I am quite jealous of these people. However, there are other people who have very little humor and try to act serious their whole life. This is not the way to go. Through comedy people find joy, and through joy people find happiness and if an individual can find happiness in a tragic moment than their life has become filled with just the right amount of humor to make life worth living.

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