Stevens Illustration

Stevens Illustration
Blackboard Picture

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

English 123: Blog 22

Life Lessons Learned from Mr. Watts

Novels provide the reader with a sense of fascination and an element of surprise in a time when many people need an escape from the perils of reality. Throughout much of the novel Mister Pip written by Lloyd Jones, a variety of themes important to the novel’s overall message appear. These topics help the reader to understand the thoughts and emotions of the characters as well as learn about themselves: the ability to make the wrong choices and not be perfect, the desire to not be the practical individual, but instead, the person who lives a life more extraordinary than others, and the suggestion that the small details of a human provide an accurate and descriptive account of whom they thrive to be and are destined to become. All of these subjects directly relay to my life as I become an adult while also relating to the tremendous amount of growth I encountered in myself throughout the six weeks of summer school.

Human beings have an innate desire to achieve perfection and to never make the wrong decision; the idea of striving for flawlessness causes destruction and torment to many individuals. In the novel Mister Pip, Matilda encounters this idea when Mr. Watts says to her, “‘It is hard to be a perfect human being, Matilda,’ he said. ‘Pip is only human. He has been given the opportunity to turn himself into whomever he chooses. He is free to choose. He is even free to make bad choices.’”(Jones 71). This quote encompasses the entire meaning of being a human; humans make wrong decisions countless times throughout their lives, but what matters is what they do with their lives and who they eventually become. Perfection has always plagued me in both my personal and educational goals. I strive to be perfect. Perfection, for me, is not an idea, but a way of life. I strive to be in perfect shape, I strive for the highest grades, and I strive to have the perfect amount of extracurricular activities. The desire to be perfect eventually cost me my health and I became diagnosed with a chronic autoimmune disease presumed to be caused by stress.

I realized no matter how much I desire to be perfect, perfection never occurs. I could only be the best person I could be and needed to be happy with that. Throughout the past six weeks that idea has been reiterated throughout the novel Mister Pip and various class discussions and blogs. Matilda realizes perfection occurs when an individual becomes happy with the person they have become after dealing with the ailments and struggles in the journey of life. Perfection is achieved through happiness and quality; if a life is lived with regret and torment, happiness will never occur causing the particular individual to never experience overall content. The journey of life should not be wasted on practicality, but instead lived with outlandish and extraordinary behavior.

Once the journey of life comes to an end, people wonder how the specific person will be remembered now that they are gone; will they be remembered for an ordinary, practical life or a life that was lived with excitement and pleasure. People who live according to the rules and regulations rarely generate remembrance; in fact, it is the people who break the rules and live their life by their own rules that are remembered. Mr. Watts desired to live his life with imagination and exuberance in a world that rarely accepted a life not lived practically. Mr. Watts used theatre to get away from reality, and through his theatre he ultimately met his future wife. Grace allowed Mr. Watts to become whatever character he desired; she let him live as he intended. As the relationship progressed, Grace and Mr. Watts became known for their outlandish behavior which involved him wearing a clown nose pulling her in a trolley. Even though both individuals die at different times throughout the novel, their legacies live on because of their unexpected lifestyle. People only live once and the people who live their lives free of inhibition are always remembered and praised.

Throughout my life I try to achieve the balance of living by the rules and living as I desire. However, since the second session of summer school began, I have grown to realize I need to live my life as I chose; I need to make myself happy through my actions and choices. I will remember the people in the English 123: Introduction to Literature class because of the variety of personalities and the various lifestyles of each individual. The journeys that were shared in class involving ATV’s, significant others, and thunder storms will continually be in my memory. The details of the journey contribute to the stories of the individuals that will never be forgotten.

Details create an image no picture can create; details make a person interesting, as well as create an unforgettable representation of the individual. When Mr. Watts loses Grace, it is the memories of the people that help create an illustration of the young woman his wife was before she left the island.

Others began to speak. They gave their bits of memory to Mr. Watts. They filled in a picture of his dead wife. In this way he learned of a girl he had never met. A girl who could hold her breath underwater for longer than anyone else. A girl who could speak German with the nuns. A tiny girl who once got lost. They searched everywhere for her. And where did they find her? Curled up under the shell of a boat. The big things came back to us, and the little things. Mr. Watts did not care how small. He learned what color ribbons his dead wife wore to school as a girl. He heard how she lost a front tooth. It happened as she lay prone on a canoe, daydreaming she was a fish, when the prow popper up and smacked her life. He learned how proud she had been of her first pair of shoes (Jones 142-143).

This illustration created through the smallest details help convey who Grace was when she was a young child and ultimately, give a glimpse to the woman she grew up to become. This quote also applies to Matilda’s remembering of Mr. Watts after his death. She remembers him for the stories he shared with her; the stories of Pip, the reason behind the clown nose, and his peculiar choice of clothing. Oftentimes people forget the details of a person or situation; details make the person and the situation interesting and insightful. Without the details the world would consist of only the beginning and the end, the middle section would be gone because the details would not exist. Ironically, it is the details about each one of the members of the Introduction to Literature class that allows me to think of the onetime strangers as friends.

Mister Pip provides a large variety of subjects relating to the lives of many individuals; these topics prove necessary to understand and learn about throughout the journey of life. With people realizing life should consist of no inhibitions, perfection becomes reachable and the details become memorable. Matilda understands these particular life lessons and applies them to her personal life throughout the novel. When she grows up she maintains the idea that she will make the wrong decision, but it is the details of the rest of her life journey that becomes important. The ability to grow and achieve success involves work and it is with that work that I have met some incredible individuals who changed my life and allowed me to live my life by my rules and aspirations.

English 123: Blog 21

"Death is the mother of beauty"-Wallace Stevens' Sunday Morning
In this class the topic of death has been discussed many times and it has caused me to think about the life I have lived. Am I happy with my accomplishments? Do I have regrets? Am I proud of the person I have become and how I have treated people along the way? These questions and more I continue to ask myself and I still do not have all the answers. I have concluded that i will never have all the answers, but as long as I am happy with who I am and what I am doing with my life then I have reached contentment. But do I just want to be content? Why not strive to be be perfect? The answer to that question is that no one is perfect and there is a certain point in your life when you realize that everything is going to turn out the way God intended and all you can do is sit back and enjoy the ride. I have learned to enjoy and try to live my life to the best of my ability. Live without regret and live with the idea that death is coming, it can never be prevented. But when death does happen make sure that the life you have lived is one that is worth remembering. Leave a legacy.

I am so grateful for taking this class. I have realized my strengths and weaknesses not only as a student but more importantly as a person. I appreciate Dr. Sexson and his wisdom along with the stories and details provided from every class member. I will never forget the class and will probably continue to have my first few lines of my Wallace Stevens poem memorized for the rest of my life...but you know what there are worse things that could happen.

Monday, August 4, 2008

English 123 Notes 8/4/2008

Additional Readings and Movies
  1. The Magus- John Fowles
  2. Tune in Tomorrow- moving ealing with ethics of story-telling; Keanu Reeves
  3. Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter- Maria Vargus Llosa
  4. 8 1/2 Movie
  1. "No body is responsible for anything, you are just under the power of the gods." Greek idea
  2. "There is nothing that cannot be laughed at"
Term Paper Presentation
  1. The main idea to keep in mind is that your writing is not inferior and remember to read several passages from the actual paper.
  2. put everything you have into the presentation
  3. make as much eye contact as possible throughout presentation
  4. generalize certain ideas in order to not go over the 5 minute time limit
  5. Make the actual paper as formal as possible; correct citations and correct spelling
  6. document outside sources such as websites and books.
  7. After the presentations, you will be subjected to a barrage of questions
  8. Phanos (Greek for show) off your paper
"In a world without God, everything is permitted"

  • perepeteia- reversal effect
  • catharisis- purging yourself of pity and terror
  • ON TEST!!! sparagmos- literally the rendering or tearing of life flesh
  • mirth- happiness and laughter
  • bawdy- off color; obscene
  1. an imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude that depicts a fall from a high stature to a low stature and is often associated with a defect in the main character.
  2. Aristotle says that the violence is purged out of you in horror films causing you to not want to re-enact what the films portray; cartharisis
  3. Aristotle did not get into the rituals; the supreme artist is selective and provides an aesthetic pleasure.
  4. tragedy translates into the song of the goat
  5. the scape goat is the figure who has been isolate from the community; ironically the thing we kill is actually the thing we need to survive
  6. the human being is usually the creature is actually being torn into pieces

  1. originated in fallac rights; celebration of the fallace
  2. Aristophonies- inventor of the sole practitioner of old comedy
  3. New comedy was created during the Roman time period
  4. Comedy incorporates the integration and acceptance of all types of living forms
  5. Senax "old man" character
  6. At the end all of the characters come on the stage aiding in the idea that everyone is important in the tapestry of life
  7. The overall message is "You are nothing special"

Arabian Nights
  • Know the Hunchback story (page 214)
    • the worse reverses to right
    • the frame story is used as a technique allowing the story to continue
Sonnet 73
  • know the ending couplet

English 123: Blog 20

Today in class we talked about the scape goat of tragedies and that got me thinking about the scape goats people look for in real life. It seems that many people are always trying to put their problems on to someone else. In Oedipus, when the curse is placed on Thebes and the only way to life the curse is to get rid of the person who killed King Laius, Oedipus believes that is everyone else in the kingdom that had something to do with the King's death when in all actuality, it was Oedipus. He was looking for someone to blame; someone to take away his problems and make them their own. People seem to want to blame others for their misfortunes; people never want to take responsibility for their actions. I think that the majority of people think that because they made the wrong decision or a mistake that it is a bad thing; making a mistake is one of the best things a human being can do to learn. Humans learn from mistakes much better than from the right decisions. Oedipus realizes he is to blame for the curse and instead of pretending it is not him and blaming it on Jocasta, who killed herself, he gouges out his eyes and becomes banished from Thebes. For once, he took responsibility for his actions and in the end he learned that fate cannot be tricked; you cannot stop fate from happening.

Another character who never blamed others for her misfortune was Matilda. It seemed to me that Matilda was content with her life on the island, however horrible it turned out to be, because that was the only life she knew and she was happy. However, at times it seemed her mother wanted to blame her father, who left, for their lifestyle. Matilda realized that with desire she can make her life whatever she desired. Thanks to her mother she was able to leave the island and go to school and become a professional. She made something from her life instead of rolling over, cursing God, and blaming others for her less than fortunate lifestyle. I admire Matilda for those extraordinary qualities.

People want to blame others for their misfortunes, when in all reality the only person to blame is yourself. If you are not happy with the life you have been dealt, make the journey more exciting. Live life with exuberance and laugh when there seems to be nothing to laugh at. Enjoy what is left of the sinking ship that is life.

Friday, August 1, 2008

English 123 Blog 19

Giles Goatboy

  • not too much information on it, but kinda interesting.

English 123 Notes 8/1/2008

  1. Earnest is an exemplary comedy
  2. Oedipus is an exemplary tragedy
  3. A great tragedian is a great comedian
  • formally vs. generally
    • what is tragedy as a form of literature
    • Aristotle talks about tragedy in a formal sense
      • Aristotle said, "The best things are in between." That was his feeling about tragedy, it was in between and therefore the best.
      • He used the Goldi Locks theme that some works were too hot and other works were too cold but tragedy was just right.
    • it is the imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude
    • usually involves a person falling from a high stature to a much lower stature; a fall from grace
    • the structure of the tragedy
    • usually involves a tragic life containing a good sense of irony and a distance from the action; almost a god-like view
  • SARVAM DUKK HAN (All life is pain) and SARVAM AHITYAM (all life is fleeting) - two quotes from Buddhist culture.
  • We learn from suffering
  • Theodicy- the question of the justice of God
  • Ate- doom caused by guilt or ignorance
  • Foundling- an infant or small child found abandoned; a child without a known parent or guardian.
  • Jocasta has finally realized Oedipus' true identity, he is her son. Once she figures, she goes into her chamber and hangs herself.
  • The old man comes in and finally spills the whole truth about who Oedipus truly is
  • The speech on page 49 is very important to know!
  • After Oedipus gouges his eyes out he requests to see his children and he knows it is them by feeling their faces.
  • He is then led out of town by a boy similar to Tiresias' exit.
  • The following link will lead you to the main page where you can navigate through the three plays that are a part of the Oedipus Plays. Oedipus the King is the one we read for class.

English 123 Blog 18

We talked about the two plays The Importance of Being Earnest and Oedipus Rex, both which, ironically, are similar in many ways that few people would expect seeing as how one is a tragedy and one is a comedy. Both deal with the idea of identity and foundlings, a infant or small child found abandoned; a child without a known parent or guardian. This term is a major strategy used throughout both plays. I have realized after reading the end of Oedipus and the end of Earnest that they are very opposite in the idea that as Earnest finds out his true parents and his true name his life is changed for the better and he is allowed to marry Cecily. However, with Oedipus he also realizes his true family lineage, but instead of rejoice in finally having an identity, he gouges his eyes out and is led out of Thebes by a young boy; similar to Tiresias' exit.

As we continue to think about Oedipus, the lines Sarvam Dukk han and Sarvam Ahityam become helpful. The phrases mean all life is pain and all life is fleeting. This is true not only with Oedipus because his fate led him down a path of continued pain and suffering after he found out his true identity, but also with Earnest. Although Earnest is a comedy it can be related to those two phrases. Earnest must deal with the pain of Lady Bracknell for the rest of his life, but the trade was the pain of not knowing his true identity was removed from his life. These two phrases also relate everyone's life at one point or another.

Luke told a heart-wrenching story about his nephew today in class and it really made me think that even though I complain about things that are not going great in my life, I have to think that there are other people suffering as well and who have it worse off than me. It puts life into perspective because everyone will face tragedy but the true test of who a human is involves how they deal with that tragedy. The true colors of a person will come out when things are not going according to their "plan". I tend to think that people finally let you know who they are when their life appears to be heading down the drain. Nevertheless, we should always be aware that life is always fleeting and filled with pain and with the help of others we can try to create a humorous situation from a tragedy.

Humor is a gift, some people are naturally funny and can make people laugh; I am quite jealous of these people. However, there are other people who have very little humor and try to act serious their whole life. This is not the way to go. Through comedy people find joy, and through joy people find happiness and if an individual can find happiness in a tragic moment than their life has become filled with just the right amount of humor to make life worth living.