Stevens Illustration

Stevens Illustration
Blackboard Picture

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

English 123: Blog 21

"Death is the mother of beauty"-Wallace Stevens' Sunday Morning
In this class the topic of death has been discussed many times and it has caused me to think about the life I have lived. Am I happy with my accomplishments? Do I have regrets? Am I proud of the person I have become and how I have treated people along the way? These questions and more I continue to ask myself and I still do not have all the answers. I have concluded that i will never have all the answers, but as long as I am happy with who I am and what I am doing with my life then I have reached contentment. But do I just want to be content? Why not strive to be be perfect? The answer to that question is that no one is perfect and there is a certain point in your life when you realize that everything is going to turn out the way God intended and all you can do is sit back and enjoy the ride. I have learned to enjoy and try to live my life to the best of my ability. Live without regret and live with the idea that death is coming, it can never be prevented. But when death does happen make sure that the life you have lived is one that is worth remembering. Leave a legacy.

I am so grateful for taking this class. I have realized my strengths and weaknesses not only as a student but more importantly as a person. I appreciate Dr. Sexson and his wisdom along with the stories and details provided from every class member. I will never forget the class and will probably continue to have my first few lines of my Wallace Stevens poem memorized for the rest of my life...but you know what there are worse things that could happen.

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