Stevens Illustration

Stevens Illustration
Blackboard Picture

Friday, July 11, 2008

English 123: Blog 5

Today the question, What does it mean to be free? was asked......

What does it mean to be free? We think we are free from our parents when we venture off to college to, we think we are free of our childish years when we get our license, and we think we are free heartache when we find the special one. We are never free; there exist only slight happenings that cause to think we are free from something when we actually never are. For example, an individual is never free because there is always a "master plan" going on that was determined at birth. What we may perceive as freedom is just another momentous occasion in our lives that made us grow and mature as human beings. Freedom does not exist. Parents and rules will always accompany our lives in some form or another whether it be from our parents, school, or the work world. I am glad our childish years never leave us; the ability to be a child is what returns the small joys of life to us. Heartache will be a part of life for as long as their is attachment. If you are attached to something, when that leaves heartache will encompass your thoughts and feelings. The ability to deal with heartache causes us to grow and deal with pain caused from loss.

I found the Found Poem to be surprisingly easy to write, maybe that means I did it wrong. Poetry is everywhere it is just a matter of putting the words in the right order to make it sound melodious. Poetry brings a sense of art to a world of sharp corners and concrete buildings.

Just a last note the two types of sonnets are Shakespearian and Italian.
I provided a web address that I found insightful, intelligent, and education information on sonnets.

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